14-06-02: Tiny updates on some pages (check the dates...)
??-10-00: Lots of small updates on all pages
27-04-00: Lots of updates on my MSX pages...
30-11-99: Several small corrections and updates. Experimental: "go to next
page" links at the bottoms.
08-11-99: Hmm, I forgot to update this again. Of course new is the layout of
my site! It's totally renewed! Do you like it? I do! :-) Anyway, I now put the
date of the last day I updated a page on the bottom of every subpage, except
this one of course. Also new is Space Manbow (for 128, 256 and 512kB mapper and
SCC in any slot) and Feud online. See the software section of the MSX page.
09-09-99: Nice date huh!? But I wanted to say that I keep forgetting to update this section... Anyway, new was the Auction of MSX stuff at my MSX page (see the "Things I'd like to sell" section on that page). And don't expect new entries on the MAL... I just don't feel like it anyomre to keep it up. Other new stuff: a little proggie for SCC detection (also in subslots) by Jasper Lautenbag on the MSX page. To see if pages are updated, please just check the date. I do adapt the date, but keep forgetting this section... Sorry!
04-05-99: New section on the MSX page: the Fair section. There you can read
about me, visiting MSX fairs. Mainly links to nice pics. Today and yesterday I
also updated the "For Sale" list quite a bit. But actually that list is always
up to date. Check it out if you are interested to buy someting! It's on the MSX
page in the "Thinks I'd like to sell"-section.
04-01-99: Again new INCs (for Bert!) and updates on my collection. Also
added the file tinst.dta to download (Terminal settings for Turbo Pascal 3.00A)
18-11-98: New INC files and stuff available! Continuous updates on my MSX
25-08-98: Put my MSX collection online on my MSX page!
21-08-98: Last month some new Turbo Pascal INC's and other minor changes.
Also lots of updates on The MSX Hardwarelist, see the FAQ. Also updates on my
MSX page
??-07-98: Please read this! I decided
to switch to a new server! Check out the Page statistics
for details! Thanks.
09-07-98: Again checked the URL's of my Bookmarks and other pages, also did
a complete HTML check on all my pages! And: lots of updates on the FAQ!
21-04-98: All my high-scores and finished games (as far as they might be
impressing) are on the MSX page now... (yes, that's the new part called "Games Finished")
17-04-98: Last week I checked the bookmarks and I put a new section on the
MSX page today!
??-04-98: Forgot to say this: now there are backgroundpictures on almost
all my pages... (except for the bookmarks, that's a bit impossible I guess)
03-04-98: The Ultimate MSX FAQ, which I took over from The Red Devil, is
now available on my pages! Check it out! Note: it's still kinda beta: there
might be some bugs in it... Mail me if you find one (or more!)!
13-03-98: Again a check on all the bookmarks.
11-03-98: On the MSX page in the "Thing's
I'd like to have"-section (in short: Wanted!), a list
of software can be found now. See if you have it, and mail me! Also added: a
11-02-98: In the software-section of my MSX page a translation to English
of a document containing some undocumented Z80-instructions can be found.
06-01-98: I installed a working-version of "stuiter" (bounce) in ML! It's
name is still "scroll5.*", check it out on the MSX page (and help me debugging!)
20-10-97: Kari made two new inc's: set video and copy screen for Turbo
Pascal! Check it out in the allincs.lzh file! (And test it for us!)
22-09-97: Since some weeks I have some kind of personal MSX-log on my MSX
page... have fun reading it! (or not) It's updated almost once a week.
01-09-97: I updated and freshened up both the MSX and Personal pages (at
last!) I also removed some old INC-files from the MSX page. But they can still
be found in those great all*.lzh files, which contain everything!
13-08-97: ReferStat has been installed on both the MSX and Personal page.
I'm still testing though.
13-08-97: My bookmarks have been checked, and updated! Check it out!
13-08-97: Download The MSX Red Book! Look
on the MSX-page in the software-section.
12-08-97: Again I added some new INC's: arcus.inc (for arcs), circle.inc (update),
ellipse.inc (draws ellipses!), fill.inc (floodfill) and pie.inc (makes
pie-diagrams). These files can be found in allincs.lzh on the MSX-page, software section.
There's a patch available for Bomberman... See the MSX-page, software section!
New Pascal files: interrup.inc, to use the interrupt in Pascal (on interval
gosub in basic...), date.inc and time.inc, improvements of datetime.inc
I translated the documentation of Multi Mente! Download this great program now! (See below)
Now all INCs/COMs/PASs/TXTs are downloadable in one archive (for
each type of file)! These files are always updated... You have to
download only four or five lzh files, and you have it all!!
Lots of new and updated INC files for Turbo Pascal!! (Check out on the MSX page which ones exactly.)
There are new versions of paintbox.inc and loadgrap.old!
Added a News-section to the MSX-page! (Will be updated everytime it's necessary!! With great news about the development of a TCP/IP-MSX program/driver!
Installed a new visitor-counter at the Stats-part: NedStat (in Dutch... but readable I think)
Installed mbplayer.inc: play MBM-files in TP! Also sprite.inc: better sprite-support...
Installed new versions of msxdos2.inc, mapper.inc and musicmo1.inc. Also 2 testprograms for the latter.
Installed INC file (+ testprogs) to use samples with the MSX-Audio in Turbo Pascal!
Small thing: installed a little TP LIB to access MSX-BIOS...
Installed a home-made joystick tester program (works great!)