
Hi there visitor!

Welcome to my MSX home-page!

This section of my site has a long history, just like the personal part. I started playing with HTML in 1996, editing it in pure ASCII! (No fancy HTML-editors! That's just for weenies anyway ;-) This might be the reason that this page is Lynx compatible!). An index for this page can be found in the frame left or on the startpage if you use Lynx.

Well, another thing: if you want to see pictures of me, look in the index for 'Fairs'... I visit all MSX fairs, and some info and pics can be found there.

I have some personal MSX-stuff log-kind-of-thingie: my MSX Activities Log (MAL) If you're interested in what I'm doing with my MSX in the weekends, read it! You may be entertained... or able to help me with some problems. But lately, I haven't updated it. Better said: it won't be updated anymore, because it is taking too much time. There are more useful things to do!

Read the next thingie, and keep it in mind:


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Text © 1996-2002 by Allosoft (see at "Info and stuff")

This subpage was last updated on 14-06-2002

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