MSX links:

Look at the MSX-links in:

all my Bookmarks!

Including most of the MSX links in the entire world!

To make them more readable for people who are interested, I present the next features:

The bookmarks are a direct copy of my own Netscape bookmarks, so changes are visible immediately. Note: I didn't put many totally Japanese sites in them, because they are rather unuseful to me... Sorry! Luckily there are translation sites available nowadays. This will enable me to increase the number of Japanese sites.
Note 2: I do not intend to have a MSX-Link-Site, I just put my own Bookmarks online... As a matter of fact, I collect MSX-URL's! So, if you think a missed one, let me know, and mail me!
Note 3: the bookmarks haven't been updated in a long time. Please forgive me.

Another thing you have to see, is the great Maze of Galious page by Sean Young! This is the best game ever made for MSX1, in my opinion!

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This subpage was last updated on 14-06-2002

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