
Hi there visitor!

Welcome to my personal homepage! On this page you can read some personal stuff about me. For an index: see the frame on the left (you already saw it if you use Lynx or so). By the way: I'm editing this page in pure ASCII (i.e. I'm not using some kind of graphic HTML editor, but with the great plain-text editor VIM)! And another special thing about this page: it is

Lynx compatible!

Further, I can't say many useful things here, except:

I was born in Terneuzen (The Netherlands) on the 18th of May, 1977... Until the 26th of April 2001 I studied Physics at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Yes! I finished the study, and I am now Master of Science! You can read my Master's Thesis here.

At the moment I am working in Océ Technologies B.V., a big company in Venlo making printers, scanners and copiers and a lot of other solutions regarding documents.

If you didn't know yet: I'm a MSX-freak:



Look at a weird picture of me, taken on the Zandvoort MSX-fair in 1996... For more info and pictures, click in the MSX logo...

Look at my MSX page for more details about my greatest hobby!

Text © 1996-2010 by Manuel Bilderbeek (see at "Info and stuff")

This subpage was last updated on 12-09-2010

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