Online registration form

On this page you can register a booth online for the MSX fair Nijmegen 2025. Please fill in the form below as completely as possible. Do not use it for other purposes, e.g. if you only want to register for the after-fair dinner, just send an e-mail. If you want to sponsor the fair financially, use the information below to transfer the desired amount and send me an e-mail.

Note: please do not reserve more tables than you need. I'd rather have less tables than empty tables.

You have not filled in all required fields:


* (the fields with a * are required)
(name that appears in the participants list on the website)

Requests the reservation of:

€ 5.00 each (1m20, max. 6).

The amount due must be paid before 1 March 2025 by means of a bank transfer to account IBAN NL59 RABO 0362 385173 (BIC: RABONL2U) of M. Bilderbeek in Nijmegen, stating MSX Nijmegen 2025 and the name you filled in on this form. If you use electronic banking in the EU, this should be free. If you do not live in the EU, please contact the organisation. Of course you can also always increase the amount due to sponsor the fair financially. If you do that, please state this explicitly, so we know that it was not a mistake in the amount.

Description of booth activity *:

I will take the following sound/electrical equipment:

Remarks, requests or ideas for using the spare space in the room:

To prevent abuse by spammers, please fill in the 3 letters which describe your favourite home computer standard here (hint: it's about Machines with Software eXchangeability) *:

Have you filled in all fields as complete as possible? Forms sent without the required information will not be processed. If you have any questions, please contact us at the email-address mentioned at the bottom of this page, or ask them using this form’s remarks field.

Once your reservation has been processed you will receive a confirmation by email. If you don't get one within a few days, please contact us by e-mail, because then something has gone wrong.

Code by Grauw

Text by Manuel Bilderbeek

Technical support by Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter